Why I'm not on Twitter much these days

Posted on May 8, 2024 with tags:
In this post:

Twitter sucks now

Elon joined and made two classes of users: those who pay and those who don't. Most people didn't pay, and thus their content is de-ranked in the For you feed. This stifles genuine human content in favor of recycled video shorts with AI generated captions.

I'd say that the "X platform" is more unhealthy than tiktok.

What is nostr?

Nostr is a decentralized social media protocol. Check out my full nostr explainer.

Most of popular accounts on nostr post about

  • building out the protocol itself
  • bitcoin, as that is the common thing tying together a majority of the user base

But you can find your own community of like-minded folks, and there is certainly diversity of thought.

One really cool aspect is that the devs are driven directly by user feedback. Even as a lurker you can witness a feature go from fledgling idea to implementation across multiple clients.

Reasons to not join

On nostr you won't find:

  • Infinite content to mindlessly scroll. There isn't an algorithmic feed (yet).
  • Censorship: NSFW content and hate speech is rare, but it isn't silenced at the protocol level. Muting works well.
  • Discussion about ultimate frisbee (yet - help me start this?)

If that's all good with you, then check out my profile and join nostr here on Primal, my favorite client

I follow back!


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