Big Sky Country and Elk Mountain

Posted on June 14, 2018 with tags:

We are now about two weeks into our summer road trip around the country! Highlights so far have included Yellowstone, backpacking in Grand Teton, Moab and Arches National Park in UT, and the van breaking down in the middle of the Wyoming desert. However, this last obstacle turned out alright, as we found a diamond in the rough: the town of Elk Mountain WY, population 191. Elk Mountain is home to a town hall, small playground, post office, and a few farms. Our favorite attraction was Elk Mountain's sole commercial storefront, the Elk Mountain Trading Co. This family owned and operated restaurant is the heart and soul of Elk Mountain, as there were multiple tables of 10 or more patrons enjoying the restaurant’s fantastic homestyle fried chicken and the close-knit community atmosphere. The service and food was excellent and I’m sure all members of the road trip crew would agree that being stranded in Elk Mountain wasn’t the worst outcome of a broken down van.

At Elk Mountain Trading, we also had the good fortune of crossing paths with Mike Lempko, a Buffalo, NY native who is rollerblading across the country for charity. He’s raising money for No Kid Hungry and documenting his journey on his website and Instagram, @mikeonblades.

Lastly, we were inspired by Mike to increase our own social media presence and document our adventure on instagram, so give us a follow at


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