Hello World!

Posted on March 1, 2022 with tags:
In this post:

Recently, I've acquired both the time and the drive to establish a long-term personal project. With the goal of showcasing my engineering, design, and writing skills, building a personal blog is a no brainer. Thus, after a makeover of my personal website this article establishes the start of my foray into blogging.


December 2022

  • Comments (create/delete)
  • Social account signup
  • User profiles

November 2022

  • due to Heroku free tier end-of-life, refactored to DIY deployment with Docker on Linode
  • enabled SSL using Certbot
  • added light theme and theme switcher
  • built GitHub pipeline for CI/CD

March 2022

  • new color scheme, fonts, and dark mode
  • added public/private posts and new design for blog post list
  • added post tags, search, sort, & filtering to list
  • auto-generated post TOCs



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Anders [ADMIN] at 5:40 p.m. on Dec. 08th, 2022