HackNC 2018

Posted on October 10, 2018 with tags:

At Hack NC, Chathan Driehuys and I created Crowdhost. We were inspired to create this project by the need to easily and efficiently organize volunteer hosts and teams for an ultimate tournament. Our application allows tournament directors to register tournaments on our site. Once that is done, teams can register to be hosted and hosts can register their available space. Once the tournament's registration deadline arrives, the tournament director uses the app to match teams to available hosts. The algorithm we used to match teams and hosts was complicated to develop while considering both business logic and performance optimizations. In the end we came up with a solution that matches our business requirement of teams that register first having priority while also producing a relatively optimized solution in terms of not wasting host space.

Potential improvements to the project include pivoting to include larger target market of more events (music festivals, tech conferences) and adding some sort of notification system (via email). A full breakdown of the project can be found on Devpost and the source code is available on github.


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