The Nostr Protocol: What, Why, and How?

Posted on January 3, 2023 with tags:
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What is nostr?

From the nostr-protocol GitHub:

[Nostr is] The simplest open protocol that is able to create a censorship-resistant global "social" network once and for all.

Like HTTP or TCP-IP, Nostr is a protocol — not an application or service.

Nostr can be used as the base for many types of social media applications. As of now, it's acting as a sort of decentralized twitter.

Why nostr?

Over the holidays, interest in the nostr protocol went parabolic.

nostr on google trends

This explosion was spurred by Twitter’s ban on links to other social platforms. Twitter users started exploring other options, and many found the value proposition of nostr quite intriguing.

Over the last few weeks, prominent "Bitcoin Twitter" figures started a migration to the new platform by sharing their nostr public key on twitter.

jack's twitter

How to join?

Joining nostr isn’t quite as easy as signing up for a twitter account. You need a public/private key pair and a cypto wallet to safely store your private key.

When I was reading and learning about the protocol, I felt there was a need for a quickstart onboarding guide.

So, I built A wiki on the basics of nostr and how-to guide on getting access.

Update: As of Spring 2023 I have passed on development of to Jeff G for design updates.

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Anders [ADMIN] at 9:01 p.m. on July 03rd, 2023
Update: As of Spring 2023 I have passed on development of to Jeff G for design updates.