Newest Posts

Into the Ultiverse

Posted on November 17, 2022 with tags:

Why I built

Adventures in Markdown, RegExes, and Line Termination

Posted on November 13, 2022 with tags:

Documenting edgecases for the world

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My Home Minecraft Server Setup

Posted on March 22, 2022 with tags:

Minecraft is the best selling video game of all time for its unique and diverse gameplay, but a more important legacy will be the impact it had on a generation of young computer scientists, programmers, and tech nerds. I’ve been playing Minecraft ever since I started using a computer regularly, …

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The Software Engineering Job Landscape

Posted on March 17, 2022 with tags:

It's a great time to be an engineer and especially great to be a software engineer. The job market is incredibly hot, with many 22 year olds landing salaries of $70k+ straight out of college. As a recent grad with many friends just a couple years behind me on a similar career path, I remember wh…

Custom Overlays with Angular Material CDK

Posted on March 5, 2022 with tags:

As modern programmers and web developers, component libraries are our bread and butter. However, every developer runs a scenario where the configuration and customizability of our chosen component library doesn't afford the flexibility we need.

Such was the case when I needed to repositio…

Hello World!

Posted on March 1, 2022 with tags:

Lets do this! Establishing some goals and documenting updates

HackNC 2018

Posted on October 10, 2018 with tags:

At Hack NC, Chathan Driehuys and I created Crowdhost. We were inspired to create this project by the need to easily and efficiently organize volunteer hosts and teams for an ultimate tournament. Our application allows tournament directors to…

Big Sky Country and Elk Mountain

Posted on June 14, 2018 with tags:

We are now about two weeks into our summer road trip around the country! Highlights so far have included Yellowstone, backpacking in Grand Teton, Moab and Arches National Park in UT, and the van breaking down in the middle of the Wyoming desert. However, this last obstacle turned out alright, as…